Venture capital that powers the future states of industries


How Ascend Invests


Active Prototype

Multiplier Effect

Advantaged Pricing

Exceptional Outcomes

Massive Growth Potential


Preeminent Capital Partners

Milestone-Based Investing

Encyclopedic DealFlow

Operational guidance

Lead or Follow


First Movers

Network Effects

Persistent Trends

Data-centric transitions

Supply-inhibited ecosystems

As Featured In

[Ascend’s] foresight is an essential stems from understanding an industry in-depth.”
Applied globally, [Ascend’s] set of values can lift everyone...and help investors’ interests.”
Taking this approach, we’ll probably make fewer investment decisions, albeit smarter ones.”
Additional attractive investment opportunities are ahead for Ascend.”
There’s little doubt they’ll stand the test of time in a post-pandemic world.”
Flipping the model on its head...being able to see opportunities that others don’t.”
Change can be challenging and disruptive, but effective founders are unfazed. They embrace change.”
Brilliant folks with incredible ideas that will transform our society for the better.”

Every Investment a Revolution

Here’s a list of the companies that currently comprise Ascend Venture Capital’s active portfolio.



You were born to scale your idea. Ascend can help.

If you are starting a data-centric company building mission-critical tech to power the future state of your industry, we want to hear from you!